ClimEx explores innovative data-driven methods and numerical experiments to understand the causes behind the observed extreme sea level changes.
In 2023, we proposed a new method, called ECHAR (Event CHARacterization), to characterize the dynamics of typical storm surge events (Pineau-Guillou et al., 2023). We also started to run a global ocean model (TUGO from LEGOS - Laboratory of Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Studies, France) to help understand the physical causes behind the observed changes.
In 2023-2024, we started to use innovative data-driven methods. The objective is to transform the time series to better attribute the causes. We will focus on different transformations, including the scattering transform (Bruna et al., 2015) , and later, the embedded sampling (Takens, 1981) and the Koopman decomposition (Mezić, 2013).